Monday, January 20, 2014

Monkey Cup Holder

 My  Monkey Cup Holder ( Use your own colors to make this) It's fun!!!!!!

Requested by my facebook page fans asking me how I made this  Monkey cup holder.

 To make it you can use your own colors you don't have to follow mine. Many crocheters can just look at it and know how to make it. I will just give you the basics how I made it.


With Color Grey
You can make extra Rows to make it longer if like.
Rnd 1-8 Ch1, Sc Around Join

With Color White part of trim

Rnd 9 Sc Around

With Color Red part of trim

Rnd 10 Sc Around Fasten off. Weave in ends

Ear (Make 4)

With Color Red (Make 2)

Rnd 1 3 sc in 2nd ch from hook. Ch 2, turn

Rnd 2 2sc in each st across 6 sts

Fasten off. Weave in  ends

With Color Grey ( Make 2)
Repeat same pattern as Red Color above.

Working with both pieces Rnd 3
(Sc, 2sc) in eah st around ( 9sts) leave tail to Assemble to head.


With Color White

Ch, 6
Rnd 1 in 2nd ch from hook, 3 sc,3 sc in next st. Continue opposite side, 3 sc, 2 sc in last ch. Join.
12 sc.

Rnd 2  Ch 1, 2 sc in same st, 3 sc, 2 sc in next sts, 3 sc, 2 sc in last2 sts. Join.  (18 sc)

Rnd 3 Ch 2, Sc in same st. 2 sc in next st, 3 sc, (Sc, 2sc in the next st) Rep. 3 times, 3 sc ( Sc,2, sc in next. Rep 2 times. Fasten off. Leave long tail for sewing.

Decorate your face with lips and nostrils. Be creative with your tapestry needle

With Red
Make Mouth

With Grey
Make 2 nostrils

Assemble Snout, Ears

 You can make your eye to your liking, Be Creative use buttons ,felt etc.

I buy my eyes at any craft store and use a glue gun to attach them.

Have fun!